From Old Norse “akarn” comes the word “acorn.” James Hillman's bestselling book, The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling, outlines what he calls the "acorn theory" of the soul. This theory states that all people already hold the potential for the unique possibilities inside themselves, much as an acorn holds the pattern for an oak tree. He proposed that our calling in life is inborn and that it's our mission in life to realize its imperatives. He called it the "acorn theory" — the idea that our lives are formed by a particular image, just as the oak's destiny is contained in the tiny acorn.

From the book that has survived thousands of years to remain on the bestseller list, is the Bible. There is no theory; but rather truth that God made us, male and female and breathed life into each of us. We are formed in our mother’s womb’s and made in God’s image. Our destinies are in His hands and it is our mission to become more like Jesus Christ each and every day.

Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

We all hold the potential, abilities and talents that we have been given. In Matthew 25: 14-30, Jesus tells his disciples the “Parable of the Talents.” A master had several servants and before he left on a journey, he entrusted his property to them. According to the abilities of each of them, he allocated money. One received five talents, another two and the last one only received one talent. The first servant worked to double his master’s investment, as did the second servant, but the third servant dug a hole and buried the master’s money.

When the master returned from his trip, he commended the first two servants and told them, “job well done!” To the third servant, he told him to take his money and give it to the first. He was furious for that “play-it-safe” attitude and told others to throw the servant out into the darkness.

You see, just as the potential for Israel was great, as for the servant and you and I, and the more you fulfil your God-given potential, the more He will entrust you with. God wants us to live a life of abundance. Don’t waste your gifts, money or talents! Use them and God will bless you with so much more. We have much to be thankful for. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!


