Beauty Abounds

There is an observatory to the heavens at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, the big island. One can see out to the heavens and be amazed at the glories of the universe. I know that King David praised God’s love and in Psalm 89, stated that “.. the heavens praise your wonders, O Lord… For who in the skies above can compare with the Lord?”

I think about this autumn season and I marvel what God must see from above as He looks at the masterpieces He has created with the earth as his canvas - the oranges, yellows and red leaves as they sway on the mountainsides; or the brilliant fall canopy of majestic colors displayed throughout the hills. I hear the honking of the geese as they fly in perfect formation over the colored treetops and land on the open waters of the still blue lakes. I feel the draft of cooler air in the morning as the sun creeps across the horizon waiting to warm the day.

As September draws to a close and the yellow and orange leaves dance across my yard, I see the green of summer fading into the browns and earthy tones preparing for a season of rest. I cry out to the dying plants and tell them, “hang on just a little longer; another day” but my foolish thoughts are carried on the changing winds as fall is ushered in to a new season once again. I know that the quietness of winter will come and I will be content to wait patiently yet again in the hope of summer days.




With the flow