chasing clouds

Remember when you were a kid and you would lie on your back in the soft, green grass and look up at the blue sky as the clouds raced by? You would shout out to the universe all the different shapes as they changed in front of your eyes. The fluffy, white, pink and grey clouds drifted by on a sunny or a cloudy afternoon and became whatever your imagination could conjure up.

Remembering and thinking back on times gone by makes us realize how the shape of our world has changed. We look back and recollect our memories of carefree days, childhood dreams and better times. The world today has traded peace for protests; hearts for hatred; love for lies. What have we done? Hardship and healing are still here, but the hurts to Mother Earth are evident. We need to rise up and take notice that we can all help to make the world a better place.

The Greeks have a word - metanoia - which means thorough and purposeful change in life. Perhaps it’s time for us to think differently and make positive changes. What can I do to make someone’s life better? What can I do to help the world? Where can I serve? How can I use my talents and gifts? How can I leave this world a better place? How can I share love today? Only you have the answer to the questions - why not start that change today!

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27




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