It’s been a long, hot summer throughout the world. The Euphrates and Rhine rivers, reservoirs and dugouts are drying up. The global drought is from California to India; from the Sudan to Brazil and affecting us all.
The parched earth is crying out to the blue expanse asking for a glimmer of billowing clouds to bring the rain; begging for moisture to sustain the dry nooks, crannies and clefts in the rocks; the parched grasses of the fields; bring a refreshing annointing of moisture to restore the land.
It’s not unusual to have dry spells in desert-like climates, but there were extreme conditions for even Elijah in a time where there was neither dew nor rain for three years. He needed God and thankfully found fresh water and a widow that God provided and sustained him with.
It’s been amost three long years of global drought socially, emotionally and financially for many because of the pandemic. Our society though has been in a spiritual drought for much longer than that. The idols and Baal woship have dried our souls longing for the living water. Jesus is the only answer.
God continually asks us to come to him - with our burdens, our sorrows, our prayers. The scarcity of having Jesus in our lives is causing us to shrivel up spiritually. Why not run ahead into the rain and be washed clean, restored with hope and sustained in life?
The seventh time he returned and said, “I saw a little cloud no bigger than a man's hand, coming up from the sea.”
Elijah ordered his servant, “Go to King Ahab and tell him to get in his chariot and go back home before the rain stops him.”
In a little while the sky was covered with dark clouds, the wind began to blow, and a heavy rain began to fall. Ahab got in his chariot and started back to Jezreel. The power of the Lord came on Elijah; he fastened his clothes tight around his waist and ran ahead of Ahab all the way to Jezreel. 1 Kings 18: 44-46
Let peace, like a river overflow its banks into our souls and let the rain come. Drink from the fountain of living water and be restored.