“Ishin-denshin” is a Japanese noun meaning heart to heart. It is the ability of two human beings to understand each other without the need to speak.
Have you ever known someone so well that only a look would suffice? Have you ever not needed to say a word, but were just there for that person? Have you ever felt the holy presence of God and were at peace within your soul?
There are times in life when the expanse of silence - no words needed - feels like it could swallow all that is contained within it. Sitting in that space and hearing, understanding and knowing that words would never be enough to express what you are feeling or going throught, is rare these busy, event-filled, demanding days - let along sharing that feeling with someone.
And yet, it’s not difficult to understand when we realized that we are souls in a physical body with a holy connection to the God of the universe. It’s not crystals or magic; it’s not unattainable or unreachable. It’s real. When we feel no one is listening, that no one cares; all we need to do is speak the name of Jesus and He’s there. Just ask him to show himself to you. He will.
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 and in Jeremiah 33:3, God says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and wondrous things you do not know.”
Maybe this Christmas season, you are wondering about the bible, about Jesus who was God in flesh, about forgiveness and eternal life. Just ask Him any question you have and if you are truly seeking Him, he will give you an answer. It’s worth your eternal life.