I don’t know about you, but I love people! I love get togethers when family and friends converge and the space is filled with laughter, chatter, as if everyone had consumed a 7-11’s inventory of energy drinks. There are times when I float away on clouds of aloneness and solitary isolation, but I choose to be in community with others when I can.
Even when I am alone, I have koinania or fellowship with God. On a Sunday morning, I have koinania with other believers. We need each other. Plain and simple.
In 1951, Ray Bradbury, an American author, wrote a collection of 18 short stories entitled The Illustrated Man. The conflict between cold technology and psychology of people was the recurring theme in these stories. Who knew that this would be the theme of much of our world today with its AI and the isolation that people in our society are suffering from.
In one of his stories entitled, The Man, space explorers encounter a planet where the population is in a state of bliss. They find out that a mysterious visitor had arrived. The explorers believe this is Jesus. One crewman takes the spaceship and tries to catch up with this mysterious traveller. On every planet he arrives at, he discovers he is too late as this visitor has spread his message and left. Another of the spacemen had decided to stay on the blissful planet and rejoice in the mysterious man’s glory. Other crew members decide to stay as well and learn from this contented community and discover that “He” was still on the planet.
There are many people who are searching for Jesus and doing life on their own. We need each other, but more importantly, we need Jesus. Find your koinonia and learn that “He” is with us always. He is here on this planet with us now. Talk with him, rejoice because of Him and get to know Him. You don’t even have to leave the planet!
“… and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20