The world is shifting, tilting, off kilter and yet so many people are living vicariously, dangerously and oblivious to what is truthfully happening in the spiritual realms and in some cases, in the world. And yet, many of us, as believers, know that these are times for putting on our armour to do battle with the enemy and fight on our knees in prayer. When I refer to the fundamental shift of how a person sees something, I am talking about metanoia.
As believers, God requires complete metanoia from us; believing in God’s truth, living our faith and not just paying lip service by saying we are religious. It’s not good enough to say we are a “good person” or “I believe in God.” Even the demons believe that!
“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda and sometimes known as the “illustion of truth” which was evident during the Nazi regime. In our daily lives, misleading others by “telling the truth” has actually been developed into a new term that phychologists use called: paltering. Almost twenty years ago, Bella De Paulo, a researcher found that the average person lies at least once or twice a day. Some lies were kind, such as telling another person their haircut looked good, when they really thought differently. Many lies were told so often that people quit noticing they were lying. It is difficult to spot a misleading "fact", so when we hear something that sounds true, we tend to believe it.
Satan, the devil, is the king of liars and even though it might seem easier to lie than tell the truth, consequences could ensue. We continue to struggle with this temptation. Lying often leads to mistrust, hurts and even more lies. Be warned: if you hear a fact that doesn’t sound right, use discernment and trust your intiuition because what you might think is the truth, may be deceptive. See things differently.
The Lord detests lying lips,
but he delights in people who are trustworthy. Proverbs 12:22