Mixed Bouquet
I’ve always believed that you should have a variety of people in your life to keep you balanced. I also know that they say opposites attract. We have Type A’s and Type B’s. As a teacher, we always used contrast and comparison to show students various concepts to help them better remember. So, just as there are various types of individuals; there are also a myriad of emotions in our lives. And just as opposites attract, they can also repel. So where does that leave us in terms of balance?
Today as I read the news, my social media pages and have discussions about racism, justice, hatred, reconciliation, retaliation, and protests, I am amazed at the unwavering line that people stand on. How do we balance the love and forgiveness against the brutality and hatred that are so blatantly displayed on our TV screens of our homes? How do we balance the kindness of strangers during this pandemic and yet see the injustices committed in the name of justice? It is black and white. You either believe or you don’t. Take a stand.
There are countless stories in the bible to demonstrate murder, kidnapping, hatred, defiance, adultery but all of them end in forgiveness and love. From Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25 - 33) to Joseph and his brothers (Genesis 37-50). From David and Mephibosheth (quite the name!) in 2 Samuel 9 to the prodigal son in Luke 15. We even have the adulterous woman in John 8. Every story of hurt, hatred and horrendous act needs to be balanced with love, kindness and forgiveness. It’s our choice to stand on the better side of the line of humanity.
“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32