Did you know that there are 32 muscles in each ear of a cat? There are about 600 muscles, give or take, in the human body. The brain, nerves and skeletal muscles work together to cause movement and boy, do mine ache at times from too much activity from inactivity or just that aging factor that inevitably creeps up on us. Nevertheless, muscles work!
I’ve got my physical muscles to get me around, but what about my faith muscle? Do I ever use it to its full capabity? Do I even use it properly or even get it to work?
If you think about objects that are powered by batteries, you notice that they have an off and on switch. If you are lucky with batteries included, you can use the item right away, but you still have to activate the switch by turning it on. In the same way, we can talk about getting exercise and working out, but until we “get off the couch”, the only muscle getting a workout is our mouth that professes we will do something. That movation is there but needs the action. As Christians, our move or switch is faith. When we turn it on, we can access the power within us. As Pastor Tony Evans states:
“Faith is not about how much you believe in what you believe. Faith is about believing that the One you believe in is believable.”
That’s what happened to Peter when he walked on the water to Jesus. “Come,” he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” Matthew 14: 29-31
The Lord might not be asking you to get out of the boat or walk on water, but He does want you to act in faith and trust him with your life, your challenges, your relationships, your finances or whatever it might be. You only need to act by trusting in the one who makes the waves obey. That’s exercising faith. Are you putting your muscle to work today? Flex your faith muscle and see what amazing things God can do!