As we turn the calendar from the glorious summer days of July into August, we long for time to stand still as we bask in the sun, laze in bed an extra moment or simply sit quietly in the evening enjoying a warm breeze. These are the lazy, crazy, hazy days of summer. It’s also the season of Niksen (Dutch) which is literally the opportunity to step back, let go, embrace non-doing and absorb the art of doing nothing and the need to accomplish.
Throughout the year, we are innundated with schedules, routines and demands. There is always a time or season to give oneself permission to relax, enjoy and worry less. Yes, there are times throughout the year we can do this as well, but summer is just so fitting to enjoy because in our harsh Northern climate when the cold, snow and dark days descend upon us all too soon, we long for the heat once again. Summer is the opportunity to get outdoors, to walk in nature, to read and reflect and to say nay to pressing “to do’s”.
Return to your rest, my soul,
for the Lord has been good to you. Psalm 116:7
An example from the bible was when Jesus and his disciples hadn’t had a chance to rest because they were dealing with crowds of people. In the gospel of Mark 6:31 “so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’
Jesus knew that they needed time to rest and restore, to get something to eat and to spend quiet time after meeting with the crowds because the day had been so busy.
So regardless of busyness or full calendars, it’s important to take “time outs” and embrace the value of “non doing”. What does that look like for you this month - this summer? For me, it’s getting away - I hear the ocean call my name - but I’ll be back in a few weeks…..Niksen time!