“Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning sun can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day - like writing a poem or saying a prayer.” Anne Morrow LIndbergh
There are always lists of things to get done in a day. There are always trips to take, weights to lift, things to buy, but hustle and bustle doesn’t quiet the spirit. As winter is kicked aside with the odd howl, spring makes her way into this season. LIttle buds on trees, robins nesting, green shoots popping their heads into the sunlight are certainly signs that she’s ready and we get that antsy feeling of getting back into the full swing of life. Even today was like a summer day with temperatures soaring and roaring in the 20’s!
Jim Berg wrote a book called “Quieting a Noisy Soul” where he explains that often the “noise in our soul” is experienced because of pressures in our lives. These are things like despair, anger, fear, frustration, guilt, shame, position or possessions, recreation, obsessions, addictions, lust, hatred or even entertainment that want to budge in and take their place in our lives by making enough noise that we notice them. These “sources of noise” are in marriages, church communities, families, hobbies, and any place where we have relationships. The garden just isn’t growing the way it’s supposed to in our everyday life. We can’t be as fruitful with junk in our spiritual walk.
And so, what are we mere mortals supposed to do about the discontent in our souls? Why are so many willing to cave to pressure? Where are we finding time to spend time alone, reflecting, meditating, praying and praising the God of creation? As Jesus rode into Jerusalem, there was a crowd of disciples joyfully praising God “in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen:
“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”
Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!”
“I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.
Luke 19: 37-40
And even in the quiet moments, the bible tells us in Psalm 62: 5
“My soul, be quiet before God,
for from him comes my hope.”
So, whether it’s praising Him loudly or praying to Him softly, we can find contentment in our souls. Not the noise that the world offers, but the adoration, worship and peace that only the Holy Spirit can give us.