The thunder resounded in the heavens. Lightning flashed across the skies in electric lines jagged and jarring. And the drops of rain pounded on the roof with a staccato of melody keeping the beat as the thunder rolled on by. Another summer storm on the prairies.
Our mother loved the rain - the smell of freshness, the baptizing of the trees, the sound of pattering on the window sill. She was a pluviophile - a lover of rain. What is it about the droplets that fall from the sky in torrents or drizzle across our window panes that makes us love precipitation from the heavens?
As humans, we always have questions: Will I find someone to love? What’s our purpose here on earth? Why do people die so young? We vibrate with unanswered questions even though we have access to information at our fingertips. Old tales tell that we all take a journey to discover answers to our questions - even with uncertainty. We step into adventure; embark upon the sea; take flight to the skies. There is something to discover, but even though there is discord or uncertainty, there is something to behold.
Joseph is a perfect example from the bible about uncertainty. I am sure he had many questions. Why did my brothers betray me? Why did I end up in prison for all those years? Did God forget about me? and yet through it all,
“The Lord was with Joseph, so he succeeded in everything he did as he served in the home of his Egyptian master… so he soon made Joseph his personal attendant. He put him in charge of his entire household and everything he owned.” Genesis 39: 2, 4.
Even later, “But the Lord was with Joseph in the prison and showed him his faithful love. And the Lord made Joseph a favorite with the prison warden… The warden had no more worries because Joseph took care of everything. The Lord was with him and caused everything he did to succeed.” Genesis 39: 21, 23
Joseph displayed his trust in God in the midst of his uncertain circumstances. The result was that even though he wasn’t where he wanted to be, he trusted God and as a result, God faithfully honored him. We would do well to trust in God despite all our questions and know that He is there to walk with us through whatever it is we are going through. Even the storm passes to give us sunshine. In the waiting, listen to the rain.