
We want healthy bodies and gardens, so we add nutrients to our diets and the soil. We want our retirement and comforts, so we work diligently all our years to acquire a home, travels and possessions. This is all well and good but as a western cultural society, we maybe should reorient our goals in life.

Because of the internet, there is an increase in prurient curiosity or sexual matters. Some have become greedy or esurient, but myself and many others are scripturient by having a strong urge to write. And so many have stories to tell - some heartfelt, others with messages to share. Here is a recent one from a pastor who shares:

In one African village, children were dying mysteriously every week, and no one could figure out why. In response, children from a church in the next village ‘went’, and these kids fearlessly stayed on-site to pray for hours. The entire situation lifted because of those prayers, and children stopped dying mysterious deaths. Many people in that village were even led to Jesus. Don’t you find it a bit discouraging that children in Africa are transforming entire villages while our kids are watching puppet shows of Jonah and learning songs with hand motions.” - Francis Chan “The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1

As I type this, I am reminded that the world has become a very different place from what God intended it to be. His purpose is clear and He is still the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We are to pursue Him and walk in relationship with our Creator. So, I pray, that we would develop a strong urge to bring others to Jesus, to teach our children to pray and to walk beside Him as we journey in this life.

 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, Romans 14:17


