What’s your trigger? What’s the cage that holds the action, the word, the thought that sets you off? What’s the hunter’s trap? We become captive when we take the bait of offense and build walls to protect ourselves; whether mentally or emotionally so we can stop the pain. It’s the stumbling block that stops us from healing. Sometimes it’s the behavior or attitude that keeps us from love, kindness and care. Other times, it causes others to fall into a defence mode and attack us.
Skandalon was the stick that was used as the trigger for a snare trap. Eventually, the word evolved into meaning a thing that trips up a person or causes them to stumble and fall, not just literally, but figuratively. The bible even talks about this:
Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this – not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother’s way. Romans 14:13
In Matthew 18: 6-9, Jesus taught that skandalon is a terribly serious offense and warned that anyone who caused the “little ones who believe” to stumble will face God’s anger. In fact, that person should have a millstone hung around his neck and be thrown into the Sea of Galilee! When the disciples argue on the way to Jerusalem about who was the greatest, Jesus welcomed a child, and invited them to see the value of the least among them.
But what about our stumbling blocks and triggers? Our hearts and emotions are the biggest places, capable of creating an endless supply of skandalons that have us stumbling, bumbling and tripping all over the place. Perhaps it’s time to call on self-control, mercy and love to keep us upright.
2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” With the Holy Spirit inside of us, we are able to possess self-control and demonstrate love, kindness, care or the fruits of the Spirit. We are able to live in a way that honors God.