adjective : done in or by snatches broadly : marked by breaks in continuity : interrupted, spasmodic
Life is never smooth; it’s the ride or the journey that takes us down bumpy roads at times. It snatches people from our hands. It eats away time, one bite at a time and it hits us with a sledgehammer at moments - interrupting our daily lives.
Snatchy usually applies to a vehicle’s performance with stops and starts; much like learning how to drive a standard or a stick shift for those of us who even know that kind of vehicle that is! But it can also involve interrupted conversations when someone butts in. It might be when the baby cries or the snoring interrupts our sleep. It could be the interruption when we are immersed in a novel or book, or It might even be the snort of someone blowing their nose that startles our thoughts.
But words do change in meaning over time. Shakespeare’s “husewife” was a hussy and even today the term, "housewife” has negative connotations of cleaning, laundry and cooking. Grass was green and a bit was something in a horse’s mouth. And so it is with snatchy. The Urban dictionary now defines the word as: inintentional trash talk in a sexual manner. That’s the world for us. Thankfully God’s Word stays true but there are many who want to distort God’s intentions.
That’s what the enemy does. He takes something that has one meaning and twists it to his evil intentions. For example, when Satan was tempting Jesus in the desert, he told him, “ If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread. (Matthew 4:3) Satan knew full well that Jesus is the Son of God but he was hoping that Jesus’ hunger would cause him to cave in and eat. But Jesus replied with scripture and resisted the devil.
We could well learn from the many times Jesus was tempted. Using scripture and focusing on the authentic Word of God, allowed Jesus to rebuke Satan. How are we doing when it comes to resisting the devil Because if we do, scripture tells us, he will flee. When those evil, negative, hurtful thoughts come into our minds, we need to change our thinking.
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. James 4: 7-10