As I venture onto the frozen lake, I am in awe of the transformation of the open water to the frozen expanse in such a short time. When I think about the world, I know that transformation and change is exactly what has happened and is happening to people’s lives, our nations and our planet.
“The only constant is change” is a saying from Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher (500 BC) and we have certainly adopted his words in our culture today. With so much deep thinking, fear mongering and readjustments in our world, how about a lighter tone beyond the “circumference of our circumstances”?
Instead of STIMulating; how about SLIMulating? This would be a new diet where one could lose a pound per day - that’s 30 pounds - and it would stay off! or how about SLAMulating where students could use verse and words to break down the walls of the mind to create a hole to let ideas pour in! or what about SLOMulating - that’s where one would get lessons on the ski hill to help beginner skiers master the course of moguls down the snowy mountainside!
Then there’s SLUMulating where the leaders of the world took all the lottery monies and all the NGO’s and CEO’s and wealthy would come up with funding to fix the SLUMs of the world - the shantytowns, the favelas, the skidrows and the slums to affordable housing for all.
I love to play with my words. What’s next? SLYmulating is which is a new detective novel perhaps or some intriguing mystery waiting to be written! :)
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8