We are inundated in our world today with technology, media and social platforms from podcasts to tweets. And whether we “like” it or not, it consumes us, eats us, devours our time and spits it back in our faces. Perhaps it’s time to reevaluate, reflect and reinvent social media.
I’m rather tired of seeing other people’s pictures on Instagram and comparing them. Not that my post is going to get 2,000 likes but it’s close. Why not call it “Lastingram” so people can see their own photos forever. And while we’re at name changes, why not Tok Tik instead of Tik Tok because the clock does keep on ticking? The birds are really chirping on Twitter and birds of the feather seem to flock together with their social comments. I hear the sheep baaing, the dogs barking and the crows cawing. Like my opinion really matters to Donald Trump or anyone of the thousand celebrities out there. And then there’s Fake - oops - Facebook where everyone’s life is marvelous, wonderful and certainly not taken on “face value.” Ping! Bing! Oh, I haven’t checked my phone in 4 minutes and I have 63 new texts! Oh, well, that’s my social media rant for today. #blessed
And so, as we continue to make our presence known on social platforms, through Facebook posts and Twitter comments, perhaps our focus should be centered on the real Presence that ought to be in our lives. By taking all the minutes we scroll, send texts, reply or comment, we could use that valuable time to spend connecting with God by reading or meditating on HIs Word, singing praise songs or praying. Perhaps our time would be more wisely spent in face to face conversations with real people. And especially, at no cost, unlimited bandwidth and endless communication with the God of the universe who is always available and willing to listen. Now that’s real.
Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;
Acts 3:19