Devotional, Emotional Support, Encouragement Lorraine Morales Devotional, Emotional Support, Encouragement Lorraine Morales

With the flow

Our Western culture seems to teach us that we need. We need to set goals, need to accumulate possessions, need to control our lives and other people; but the fact is that these are all physical or material. What we really need is to just be - a blank canvas that our lives are painted; an open book where God can write our story; or just like the river and go with the flow, moving where God wants our journey to go. Asking for that direction is okay too.

Prayer is living in this moment. It is living in full awareness of what is now and enjoying all of it in its abundance. We can trust God’s presence, believe in Him and find joy by living the life within us. Our culture needs to see more of looking at things through new eyes, to go with the flow and stop pushing the river and waves. We get consumed by needing all the answers.

Today, we have need of seekers and searchers; people who are humble and honest in their trust in God. We don’t have everything figured out, although many certainly think so. Maybe we just need to change and transform our old ways of thinking and look at the world a little differently. Go with the new flow.

Colossians 3:3-4 New International Version (NIV)
For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
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