Our world is quite amazing. We have come to believe that we hold the whole universe in the palm of our hands with our technology and smart phones. The irony of it all is that, as Tony Reinke says, “using our cell phones is the desire to be alone in public and never alone in seclusion.” How ironic.
There is an urgency from the crowd to “like” and “unlike”; to comment and opinionize; to follow the path of insanity by believing that we can fix things or become enlightened and solve the world’s problems using the object in our hands at the touch of a screen. When really, all we need is a touch from God.
In the Bible there were four prophets who were touched by God for different reasons. Sometimes God spoke a word and people were changed. Sometimes He purposefully touched them, like Isaiah. Then one of the seraphim took a live coal from the altar with tongs and placed it on Isaiah's mouth, and Isaiah was purged of his sin (Isaiah 6:5-7) to speak on behalf of God. God told Jeremiah, “You shall go, and you shall say what I tell you" (Jeremiah 1: 7). Ezekiel was told to eat and digest a scroll that was handed to him. He ate the scroll that tasted as sweet as honey, according to Ezekiel 3:3. Lastly, Daniel served God and obeyed Him and God touched his life.
Consider a loaf of bread and fish that is a hungry man’s meal; but in Jesus’ hands, 5,000 were fed. Think about a staff in a walker’s hand to ward off barking dogs, but a staff in Moses’ hands parted the Red Sea. A sling shot is a toy in a boy’s hands, but it was a weapon that felled a giant in David’s hand.
Technology in our hands is an amazing resource and like all things; can be used for goodness or evil. The bible also talks about the many times that Satan continues to replicate God’s design for our world but we are God’s creation and God is the potter. God is to be glorified.
Yet you, Lord, are our Father.
We are the clay, you are the potter;
we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8