
(n) curiosity about the impact you’ve had on the lives of the people you know.

We may never know how a kind word, a sincere smile or a statement of wisdom has influenced the life of another human being. Years ago, Max Lucado wrote a book called “How Happiness Happens”. He begins with the true story about ninety-two-year-old Johnny Barnes who would arrive at the edge of a traffic circle to wave at people from 4:00 until 10:00 in the morning.

He wasn’t looking for fame, money or food and he wasn’t part of a protest or picket line. He was simply making people smile.

He wears a straw hat and a salty beard. His eyes are bright, teeth white, and skin leathery and dark. The years have bent his back and slowed his step. But they haven’t siphoned his joy. He waves with both hands extended in front of him. His wrists turn from side to side as if he were adjusting the volume on a soundboard. He pulls back his right hand to retrieve a kiss and blow it in the direction of a taxi driver or commuter.

“I love you!” he shouts. “I’ll love you forever!” “Hello, there, darlin’. I love you!”

And they love him! Bermudans call him Mr. Happy Man. They route their morning commute to see him. If Johnny’s not standing in his spot, people call the radio station to check on him. If he happens to miss acknowledging some commuters, they often circle the roundabout until he waves at them. One morning a cranky woman was determined not to make eye contact with him. She wanted to wallow in her bad mood. But she ended up looking his way. When he smiled, she smiled.

Another sour attitude bit the dust.

Johnny’s philosophy is simple. “We human beings gotta learn how to love one another. One of the greatest joys that can come to an individual is when you are doing something and helping others.”

Wouldn’t you love to meet a person like him?

Better still, wouldn’t you like to be like him?”

In 2011, a documentary film was made called, “Mr Happy Man”. A group of businessmen erected a life-size bronze statue and Johnny’s impact continues to inspire others and make people smile.

Click on this link to watch the Documentary Mr Happy Man. You will simply love it. https://theshineblog.com/2021/04/30/mr-happy-man-the-man-who-was-positively-contagious/

What are you doing in your daily life to have an impact on the people you know?

A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22



