Sometimes in the darkness I am twisted about finding myself up to my aching hips in sinking sand and sometimes a murky pit of despair. I have no desire to be drawn into the recesses of darkness of the damp basement, beckoning me, haunting my thoughts like a ghost wandering an old house searching for what was lost.
And so I grasp the tools I have - faith, hope and love - and I reach for the light just out of my grasp, but attainable if I keep building, slogging forward, one step, one day at a time like a caterpillar inching its way along a green leaf.
I wrestle with my thoughts, struggle under some of the burdens that I place on my shoulders and then I recall the Master builder, who has the blueprint of my life. His messages, scripture, promises I remember along with fragments of lines from memorized song lyrics and beautiful memories woven into the fabric of my mind. I know I will not stay in the dark and the broken. The sucking weight of negativity that wants to pull the walls down around me will collapse.
I consider what kind of society we are building. Is it the solid rock or faith principles that stand when the storms come or is it built on sand as we see it crumbling all around us? Are we building each other up by encouragement, love, words of truth and hope instead of despair, devastation and destruction?
Philemon 1:7 tells us Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord's people.
Let’s encourage one another in love and build what is eternal.
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11