I’ve been there and I bet you have too. It’s that awkward, complex, or hazardous situation you find yourself in and it looks like there is no way out.
Plans that you had planned; went haywire. That relationship didn’t work out quite the way you dreamed it would. And that circumstance seems like the possible is impossible; looking like there isn’t even an exit sign in sight. What does one do?
David wrote about this exact thing in Psalm 52. David was not ruling; he was running for his life from King Saul. Doeg, a member of Saul’s army, “ratted out” David. David had just been in the city of Nob consuling with Ahimelech, the lead priest. Saul was enraged and had his men kill 84 priests because David had escaped his clutch once again. (1 Samuel 21-22 is worth the read.) David shared his thoughts by giving three solutions to his quagmire.
First of all, he needed to trust that God would see him through his situation. Then he thanked God and praised Him. Lastly, he said he would wait for God to work things out for His glory. And what about that green olive tree? Believe it or not, it can produce fruit for hundreds of years, it’s hard to uproot and grows 20-40 feet tall!
But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God;
I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever.
I will praise You forever,
Because You have done it;
And in the presence of Your saints
I will wait on Your name, for it is good Psalm 52:8-9
And so, we don’t need to stay in the quagmire. We can trust in the Lord, give thanks to the Lord and wait on the Lord. Things will work out because God is holding the exit plan in His hands. Stay rooted in His Word and keep the faith, for it is good.