instead of

… of a gumble - a grin. Instead of a sad face - a song in our hearts. Instead of depressed with the world - deepen our faith in God. Instead of hurts - the healing. Instead of hammers - helping hands. Instead…

Instead of reading a book alone, read with a group of students; Instead of taking a vacation and spending $2000 dollars, give $500 of groceries to 4 hungry families; Instead of sitting at home complaining about being lonely, go visit a senior home for an afternoon.

Instead of living a life with emptiness, ask Jesus to come into your heart; Instead of suffering in sin and shame, ask Jesus to forgive you and tell him you repent of your wrongdoings; Instead of wondering about your future, trust that God has control of your life.

There was a monastery in a small village up in the mountains.

One day, a rich man approached the monastery and knocked on the gate. A monk opened the gate and was handed a bunch of grapes.

The rich man said the gift was his way of giving thanks because the monastery was always there when he needed help. Now that he came across a good fortune, he wanted to give back. After the rich man left, the monk contemplated what to do with the grapes. At first, he thought about eating them. But he thought better and decided INSTEAD - to give it to the monastery’s abbot for he had taught him about kindness.

The abbot liked the grapes. But he thought there was someone more deserving of this gift — a sick monk. The abbot thought that the grapes would bring joy to the sick monk. So INSTEAD of eating them, he took them to the sick monk.

The sick monk was given the grapes and was thankful for them. However, he thought the cook who prepared his meals throughout his ordeal would appreciate them more.

It was now the cook’s turn to admire the grapes. He couldn’t bear to eat them, though. The cook wanted the monastery’s sexton—the one who tended the churchyard every day—to have the grapes as a sign of appreciation for everything he’d done.

The sexton was happy when given the grapes. But he gave it to his apprentice so that he could appreciate the beauty of God’s creation.

The apprentice was honored by the gesture. However, he recalled that it was the monk who opened the gates who welcomed him with open arms the first time he stepped foot in the monastery. So he gifted the grapes to the monk, not knowing the grapes were his, to begin with. The monk, who found the whole thing amusing, thought the grapes might be his. He also realized that if he started giving happiness, it was bound to come back. So, INSTEAD of keeping happiness, time, resources for yourself, share and bless others.

In reference to the Macadonean churches, Paul writes:

In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.  For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own

2 Corinthians 8:2-3

How are you going to bless others this week?



