Walls of castles decay. Older bodies become more apt to break. Negative thoughts creep into psyche and try to weaken or impair our goals and opportunities, sometimes wounding our very souls. Tsunamis of destruction seems to crash into our lives and destroy.
In 2 Chronicles 29, Hezekiah was set on turning the people back to the God they had forsaken, as well as rededicating and restoring the temple. The bible tells us in v. 3 that, “he in the first year of his reign, in the first month, opened the doors of the house of the LORD, and repaired them.” Hezekiah made serving God his first priority when he began to reign. Later in the scripture, we find that it took just over two weeks or 16 days to complete the restoration of the temple vessels and its services. (v. 17)
In the summer of 2005, I journeyed with a group of teenagers and a few adults to Banda Ache, Indonesia. Many people may recall that just six months prior to that on Boxing Day of 2004, a tsunami destroyed many people’s lives, coastlines and homes and was considered the deadliest tsunami in history. The 200 foot wave affected 14 countries and killed over 200,000 people, yet many survived. We were one group went to restore a village that had been destroyed by the water and give people a home to live in. It was amazing to hear of their stories of survival. From a pregnant woman sitting in a palm tree for days to the man who ran to higher ground and waited until the waters receded, they were determined to live and they cried out to God.
It doesn’t matter what our background, talents or obstacles are. If we put God first, there is no limit to what He can do. When God gives us an opportunity, He can help to defy expectations and make the impossible, possible. Jesus demonstrated this numberous times.
He turned water in wine at a wedding. He healed the sick and raised the dead. The crowd of 5,000 was fed with a few loaves of bread and fish and he died for humanity defying death. So, as we prepare for Palm Sunday and Easter, we remember that God makes all things impossible, possible. That’s the God we serve!